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Case Studies

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Breast Cancer found w Thermography Image



This patient was diagnosed with a 2.4 cm tumor behind the right nipple after breast thermography screening.She had been for several mammograms that had missed this.


According the the mammography misses up to 20% of tumors overall, and is ineffective statistically in women with dense breasts. Breast thermography can be used with women with dense breasts and women under 40 years of age.


Importance of Follow-up Image.png

The images at the left were taken July 2013. A 3-month follow-up was recommended. The patient neglected to adhere to the recommendations and the condition significantly worsened over the 5-month period, as can be seen in the image to the right taken in December 2013. 


There were several factors present that alerted our Board Certified Medical Thermologists that a pathological process may be forming. 


Thermography exams need to be a routine in annual health screening in all women. One in five mammograms are false negative meaning that 1 in 5 women hold false security that there is no tumor present. 


Combining thermography with mammography or other forms of screening yield the best results. For those women who elect to forgo mammography due to the radiation, this remains a logical choice for them at a minimum.

Cancer can grow fast Image.png


The image to the left shows a very fast growing tumor. The thermal images show the heat associated with the tumor in July of 2012. In only a few months the tumor broke the skins surface and by January showed this thermal impression (middle image below). 


Notice the leading edge of the tumor cells are extremely hot, and the tissue cools as the tumor necrosis. Cancer cells can divide fast. Do not rely on any one technology for early detection.  Mammography is limited in the repeat time of testing due to radiation and the lack of


success with dense breasts. Thermography can be performed daily and not have any adverse effects, another good reason to develop a system of mass screening that includes thermography.


On an experimental basis thermography is  used to assess the response of breast cancer treatment periodically. Hypothetically if the tumor cools then the tumor metabolism has slowed. This important tool should be added to the toolbox of every breast oncologist. Much more integration of this technology with current standards of care is needed and research must be performed.  There are several oncologists utilizing this analysis combined with their more traditional methods. Our interpreters can work with your oncologist to integrate.

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We are at the cutting edge in technology and have seen some remarkable presentations in the physiology of the body.  We are pioneering areas that have never been seen before.  One of these areas is in the area of toxicity.  We have established a relationship between Hormone Toxicity/ Fibrocystic Breasts and small pockets of inflammation that we describe as “leopard spots”.

More properly these areas are sequestered areas of inflammation due to toxins (irritants) in the form of several possibilities.  Through massive deduction of hundreds of thousands of cases we theorize these points are aberrant and only found in pathological patients. We have established this through clinical experience and intense study of specific habits of our large patient base. For example we notice an absence or minimization of these spots in patients who live a toxin free life and adhere to strict diet and lifestyle.


We need a large study of this nature but understanding that studies of this size only are performed for drug companies we will probably never see one.  The best we can offer at this point is our experience and observations until we can fund such a study. 

Leakage from Gum Disease to Breast Image


Some dentists have long claimed a relationship between oral bacteria and breast cancer, as well as other systemic diseases. The pictures to the left exemplify how the toxic material and bacteria spread through the lymphatic (immune) system and can enter the breast. In this case the back pressure from the inflammation is forcing the fluid in to makeshift channels. 


This case example is one of many that show the importance of the whole body relationship. Full body thermography can give valuable information not only for the breast but the  whole body through the mapping of skin surface temperatures.  These temperature plots can be used by the doctor to analyze trends in temperature in the body.

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